Greeting Fellow Malaysians and Friends,

The newly established Malaysian Association of Michigan (MAM) is planning a ALL MALAYSIAN STYLE "POT LUCK" to celebrate the 2009 NEW YEAR!!

All Malaysian (professional, students, families, and friends) are welcomed!
  • DATE: Saturday, 3rd January, 2009

  • TIME: 4:00 pm (start) - Please try to arrive one hour earlier to display your food & networking.

  • Location: Korean American Cultural Center of Michigan (KACCM
    24666 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48075

  • Food: Malaysian Delicacies - HALAL & Non-HALAL

Please help to spread this event and DO NOT FORGET THE STUDENTS.....

RSVP by 12/22/2008 is greatly appreciated !!

Thank you & have a Happy Holiday!!

Scott Low (
Malaysian Association of Michigan (MAM

"M A L A Y S I A B O L E H !!"